About admin

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So far admin has created 100 blog entries.

Škograd in Budapest

2019-01-16T16:05:32+00:003. 5. 2017.|

At the conference Shared Cities: Creative Momentum // Working with the city, with colleagues from Europe, we sharpen our senses and get the support to persevere in our efforts.

Making of ŠK-cloud

2019-01-16T15:27:39+00:0016. 12. 2016.|

An important meeting of Škogled was held last weekend at the Parobrod Cultural Institution. By mutual meeting of all those who contributed to the creation of Memogled, our first imagined project, we discovered the colorfulness of the group. We presented each other with our views on the relationship between education and the city and expressed a possible contribution to this relationship.

We started!

2019-01-16T14:58:11+00:0025. 11. 2016.|

At the meeting of the school board, we met with representatives of pupils, parents, teachers, local government and school administration. We unanimously agreed that the path we want to start is the path of the new school.


2019-01-16T14:52:26+00:0028. 10. 2016.|

Imagine a neighborhood. A neighborhood which was conceived and built in a place where the only inhabitant was a whistle of the wind. They used to call it Ledine (wasteland).